Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Star Wars Adventure ~Gabe's 3rd Birthday!

So, my middle child Gabe, wanted a Star Wars birthday party.  I decide that this is totally doable and I start pinteresting the heck out of "star wars birthday", "star wars party", "star wars party favors", "star wars cakes", you get the idea :)  So here we are 2 days before the party and I had pinned GALORE, but had we prepared ahead of time, no. So off I went and bought everything to cook, bake, and decorate!  I got busy in the kitchen and my husband made the decorations.

Yoda Soda and Jedi Juice
 Bow-ba Fett Pasta, Tatooine Storm troopers,  and ewok treats.  I also had Jabba the Hut in a blanket.
 Princess Lays
 Padawan Popcorn
 Obi-Wan Kabobies and Jabba Jigglers

Gabe wanted a BLUE cake.  Trying to figure out how to make this intertwine with the Star Wars theme was a little challenging.  There is a part of the second movie that is "wintery" so I went with that and made ice crystals hanging down the side.  Here is the recipe I used for the fondant:
 Of course you have to give away party favors at a 3yr olds party!
 Thanks for coming, you were a trooper!

It turned out wonderfully, thanks Pinteresters! 

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